The Trudacity & Co. Collective

Trudacity is more than just a brand...we are 1creed. We are…how we treat each other and nothing more. A brand inspired by nature, designed with individualized style, and motivated by a mission. Our purpose is passionately focused on 1creed: a way of life to live by, enhanced by the love and teachings of Jesus Christ. One Cause. One God. One Collection.



We searched the world over for high quality essential oil therapies, men’s & women's unique purely natural fragrances, limited edition artisan jewelry & contemporary lifestyle fashion accessories, all with an earth-friendly focus and a cause-minded mission: assisting America's at-risk and often forgotten homeless youth. Collections are full of individuality inspired with the passion of 1creed, so that you feel purpose wearing them. One Cause. One God. One Collection.


1creed: we are… how we treat each other and nothing more. A way of life to live by: a life enhanced by the love and teachings of Jesus Christ. An evangelization effort based on He who walks along side each one of us, step-by-step, as long as it takes on this life’s journey. A God who loves each one of us as a unique creation and will RUSH to meet us as we turn to Him from our mistakes. With His love and forgiveness…we can truly soar.



By purchasing any trudacity product, you are helping to fund programs that assist America’s at-risk and homeless youth. With a portion of the net proceeds donated from each purchase, together we can create a movement to give these fragile young lives a chance for a stronger future. It starts with love, respect and dignity for each human person. Love is a God-given attribute which is nourished as persons are loved by other persons—a chain-reaction. The movement starts with U.

Unique handbags exclusively designed by Marie Therese


As you peruse our collection, you'll find yourself swept away to various world cities as you experience the look and feel of the textured vintage fabrics and artisan trimmings Marie Therese selected to design each style. The collection has a smart flat-bottom styling and cinch closure, each with a uniquely different over-the-shoulder carry and a beautifully coordinated satin lining. All to help you look and feel special carrying them.




Swiss Alps

Swiss Alps



Lifestyle ringwear & wristwear with an organic focus


Wherever your journey takes you, go your own way, create a path and leave a trail. Our artisan collection of lifestyle ringwear & wristwear are made to wander. Designed with organic crystals, precious & semi-precious stones and earthen materials to adorn the hand and empower the spirit.


all natural ring & wristwear

all natural ring & wristwear

denim druzy bracelet

denim druzy bracelet

aged vintage stone wristwear

aged vintage stone wristwear

Limited edition artisan designs in ringwear


Wear these limited edition designs specifically created to adorn the hand and elevate the spirit. Precious metal plating, genuine leathers and stones, and natural fibers combine with contemporary tru.gigs™ charms to make your statement and add to your uniqueness. Celebrate you!

ripple effects

ripple effects



lucky clover & leather

lucky clover & leather

skulls & rhinestone

skulls & rhinestone

High-end living in the Upper East Side


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Stockholm's favorite hostel goes high-end


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